Become a Benefits Partner with SportsFormulator


SportsFormulator is offering a unique opportunity to employers, becoming a benefit parter!  You can offer your employees access to our services at a discount.  This is a great, unique perk for the sports fans in your office.

Advantages of Being a Benefits Partner

-No cost to the company (We will provide unique discount codes for your employees to join SportsFormulator and also supply all marketing materials.)

-Build Morale (Employees getting our data driven predictions, analysis and commentary which will get them talking and help build camaraderie around the office)

-Your employees can make money from our information.  Can’t afford to give a raise to all of your employees right now?  They could have taken $50 and followed our information through the NBA Playoffs and made $700 already!

-Unique perks can strengthen the relationship with current and future employees.  They can see the value added of this opportunity.

Let’s talk about getting your company enrolled as a benefits partner with SportsFormulator.  Again, there is absolutely no cost to you to join.  We provide everything to offer your employees.  Simply fill out the form below or email and we will contact you shortly.

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