NFL Week 5 Match-ups

Our premium plays were 4-1 (80%) last weekend bring us to 11-5 (69%) on the season!
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Bills 47%
Browns 53%
Chiefs 50%
Titans 50%
Ravens 50%
Dolphins 50%
Jaguars 46%
Rams 54%
Patriots 50%
Bengals 50%
Seahawks 50%
Colts 50%
Lions 48%
Packers 52%
Saints 51%
Bears 49%
Eagles 51%
Giants 49%
Panthers 52%
Cardinals 48%
Chargers 53%
Raiders 47%
Broncos 52%
Cowboys 48%
Texans 49%
49ers 51%
Jets 46%
Falcons 54%
The Bucs, Vikings, Steelers and Redskins have a bye this week.
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