NHL Predictions for October 6, 2013

NHL Results
Yesterday’s Game Winners: 7-4 (64%)
Yesterday’s Game Totals: 7-4 (64%)

2013-14 Season Game Winners: 19-12 (61%)
2013-14 Season Game Totals: 16-11-3 (59%)

2012-13 Season – 59%
2012-13 Playoffs – 67%
Overall – 60%

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NHL Predictions for October 6, 2013:

TEAM WIN % SCORE Vegas Odds Total
Flyers 40% 2 +105 5 1/2
Hurricanes 60% 3 -125
Ducks 51% 4 +110 5 1/2
Jets 49% 3 -130
Canucks 58% 4 -150 5 1/2
Flames 42% 3 +130

Our premium picks are 11-4 (73%) on the season!

Our Premium NHL Picks for October 6, 2013:

-Ducks/Jets Over 5 1/2

Today’s spokesmodel is Erin Skye.  Click her to see more.


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